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<div class="field-item even"><span class="date-display-single" property="dc:date" datatype="xsd:dateTime" content="2017-01-27T00:00:00+01:00">27/01/2017</span></div>
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<p>Dear users,</p>
<p>in a short time a new configuration of queues will be available on Marconi cluster.</p>
<p>We try to summarize for you the main features and limits that will be imposed on them. All the details will be available on the online user guide to Marconi. </p>
<p>For knldebug e knlprod queues, it will be possibile require only numa resources of "snc2" type and "cache/flat" mcdram. In order to test other types of numa (quadrant, hemisphere, snc4) we can use knltest queue that is subject to prior authorization.</p>
<p>The maximum number of cpus that you can require for the standard production (flat/cache mcdram and snc2 numa) is 68000 (1000 nodes) and wall time 24 hours. For the specific production (on the knltest queue, with "flat/cache" mcdram and "quadrant/hemisphere/snc4" numa) you can require up to 4896 cpus and 24 hours.</p>
<p>In order to install this new configuration in the upcoming hours the knl nodes of Marconi could be on offline status and not be available to run your jobs.</p>
<p>We let you know when all these configuration changes will be active.</p>
<p>Best regards,</p>
<p>HPC User Support @CINECA</p>