<p>15/06/2022<br />
Dear Users,</p>
<p>you might be interested to know and to share that enrollments are now open<br />
for the 9th edition of the specialization course “Master in High<br />
Performance Computing” (MHPC) co-organized by the Scuola Internazionale<br />
Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) and the Abdus Salam International Centre<br />
for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).</p>
<p>MHPC is an innovative advanced training program with the aim of training a<br />
new class of professionals able to exploit and manage the powerful, complex<br />
and modern technologies underlying HPC.</p>
<p>Students who will complete this 12-months-course will have a solid background<br />
in scientific approaches to advanced computing, algorithms, numerical<br />
simulation techniques used in technical-scientific environments, the<br />
fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and at the same<br />
time a clear understanding of the functionality of cutting-edge hardware<br />
architectures in HPC combined with the latest developments in software<br />
engineering techniques.</p>
<p>MHPC courses, which will start in September 2022, are based on scientific and<br />
technical problems that require an HPC-based approach for their resolution.<br />
Lessons are held by SISSA and ICTP staff and internationally recognized<br />
experts in the field. Both institutes have a long history and experience in<br />
the development and application of advanced scientific computing models.</p>
<p>Details about tuition fee, requirements, and how to apply are available at<br />
the following link:<br /><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mhpc.it/how-apply__;!!P1tgJ-3e!EG8RR_0CS_PtogozWGTkbZKl8-TtA9VyqUojufhxT5H5s0HU6rOKnekZg_Fht8us7_P-Ltm2gHd6FGWu">https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mhpc.it/how-apply__;!!P1tgJ-3e!EG8RR...</a>$<br />
or you can send an email at <a href="mailto:info@mhpc.it">mailto:info@mhpc.it</a></p>