VisIVO 1.1 Tutorial: final announcement

Claudio Gheller c.gheller a
Lun 19 Feb 2007 14:41:03 CET

We apologize for possible multiple reception of this announcement


March 6, 2007



The tutorial aims at introducing the basic features of VisIVO and trains
people  to use it.  The tutorial  has a laboratory session, during  which
the attendees  will  experiment  VisIVO using  their own data. The
laboratory session can be done using personal laptops. PCs are available.

The  deadline for  subscription is  FEBRUARY 26 (Monday). A maximum
number of 25  participants  can  be  accepted. Registration instruction and more
details are available at

VisIVO highligths:

VisIVO is a tool for the visualization and analysis of scientific data for
many  fields of science. It is specifically designed for astrophyisics
but it can be used for many other applications.

VisIVO is VO (Virtual Observatory) standard compliant and supports the most
important data formats such as ASCII and binary data, HDF5, FITS  and
VOTables. The software can deal with  observational and simulated data
and it is particularly effective in handling multidimensional datasets  (e.g.
catalogues, computational meshes, etc.).  It is a free software  and can be  downloaded
from the web  site (

VisIVO  is  integrated into the  VO  framework  and it is supported by the
National  Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), in collaboration with  CINECA,
the largest Italian academic supercomputing centre, in the  VO-TECH project
(a Design  Study  implemented as Specific Support Action funded by EU in
the FP6 Program).

Please diffuse this announcement to whom it may concern

Dr. Claudio Gheller, Ph.D.
High Performance System Division
CINECA - Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39-051-6171560
Fax. +39-051-6137273

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