[Fwd: Three Postdoc positions available at CEA Saclay, Service d'Astrophysique]

Claudio Gheller c.gheller a cineca.it
Mar 2 Dic 2008 16:43:29 CET

Dear Colleague,

CEA Saclay, Service  d'Astrophysique, is offering three postdoctoral
positions  in Cosmology (CMB and Weak-Lensing) and Data Analysis,
starting in the fall 2009.

I would be grateful if you could pass this information to all
candidates in your Institution who may be qualified for and
interested in the job.

thank you,

Best regards,

Jean-Luc Starck

Dr. Claudio Gheller, Ph.D.
High Performance System Division
CINECA - Bologna - Italy
Tel. +39-051-6171560
Fax. +39-051-6137273

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