Presentazione lavoro di tesi PhD CINECA

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Mer 4 Maggio 2011 23:41:23 CEST

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======== PRESENTAZIONE LAVORO DI TESI PHD CINECA =============================

Annuncio di seminario al CINECA (con preghiera di diffusione):

Mercoledi' 11 maggio alle ore 10:00 al CINECA (sala Fibonacci se confermata,  
in alternativa sala Shannon)

Guglielmo Rossi (Dottorato in Scienze della Terra - Universitā di Firenze  
XXIII Ciclo) presentera' il suo lavoro di dottorato con borsa finanziata dal  
CINECA, in un seminario (tenuto in italiano) dal titolo:
"A physically based distributed slope stability simulator to analyze shallow  
landslides triggering in real time and at large scale"


The term shallow landslides is widely used in literature to describe a slope  
movement of limited size that mainly develops in soils up to a maximum of a  
few meters thick. Shallow landslides are usually triggered by heavy rainfall  
because, as the water starts to infiltrate into the soil, the pore-water  
pressure increases so that the shear strength of the soil is reduced leading  
to slope failure.
We have developed a distributed hydrological-geotechnical model for  
forecasting the temporal and spatial distribution of shallow landslides to be  
used as a real time warning system for civil protection purposes. The  
stability simulator is developed to use High Performance Computing (HPC)  
resources and in this way can manage large areas, with high spatial and  
temporal resolution, at useful computational time for a warning system. The  
output of the model is a probabilistic value of slope instability.

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