HPC-Europe Virtual Surgery : An Introduction to OpenMP

HPC-news portal a hpc.cineca.it
Ven 7 Ott 2011 14:38:34 CEST

HPC User Support (hpc.cineca.it)


Dear user,

HPC Europe  presents a web seminar  titled "*An Introduction to  

This will be held online on *Monday 10th October at 15:00 CEST* using EVO  
technology (http://evo.caltech.edu http://evo.caltech.edu/) by Dr Alejandro  
Duran of BSC.


The seminar is brought to you thanks to HPC EUROPA 2 project  
(http://www.hpc-europa.org/ http://www.hpc-europa.org/), Pan-European  
Research Infrastructure on High Performance Computing.


Please see details below.

Best Regards.


Francesco Falciano, PhD

Supercomputing, Applications and Innovation Department CINECA Casalecchio di  
Reno (BO) – Italy



ABSTRACT --------

October 10th, 15:00-16:00 CEST An Introduction to OpenmP Dr. Alejandro Duran,  

OpenMP is the de facto standard for parallel programming in shared-memory  
architectures. Jointly developed by a consortium of industry and academic  
institutions it is supported by all major compilers. It allows to decorate  
Fortran, C and C++ programs with extensions that allow the compiler to  
generate a version of the program that will run in parallel machines. In this  
talk we will explore the development of the language and its key elements and  
concepts. We will analyze are the strong points of the language as well as  
its weakness. Last we will do a quick peek at the future roadmap of the  



The slides are available in advance from  

Note that you will first have to register at  
http://wiki.hpc-europa.eu/twiki/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRegistration and wait for  
confirmation from the Twiki administrator before you can access this page.


TECHNICAL DETAILS -----------------

The hotline will be organized through EVO - a free desktop videoconferencing  
tool adopted by HPC-Europa. For more information about EVO, please look at  
the user manual at http://www.hpc-europa.eu/files/Evo-Guide.pdf.

To join the meeting, please use this link:  

You will need the meeting password: HPC-Europa2



The session will be open from 14:30 CEST for connection tests and all  
attendees are encouraged to join early in order to resolve any technical  
issues before the presentation begins at 15:00.

The meeting can also be accessed though Skype or a phone bridge (please  
contact mailto:access a hpc-europa.org for details).


In order to remove your subscription, goto http://hpc.cineca.it and choose  

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