Carlo Cavazzoni c.cavazzoni a
Lun 26 Gen 2009 15:17:13 CET

Dear Users,

due to urgent maintenance operation we had to mount "read-only"
the filesystems $CINECA_HOME and $CINECA_DATA on BCX.
For the same reason the same filesystems are not yet available on SP5.
We are now working to make the filesystems available for writing as soon as possible.

I take the opportunity to ask you again to
check the data you have stored on $CINECA_DATA and $CINECA_HOME,
and remove (when the filesystems will be available for write operations onece again)
those that are not useful anymore, In fact all the fileset of the two filesystems are almost full 
and, since they are going to be replaced, they will not be enlarged anymore.

Thanks in advance for your collaboration,
and sorry for the troubles all this may cause,
best regards,

carlo cavazzoni

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