call DEISA DECI e call CINECA per risorse HPC

Giovanni Erbacci g.erbacci a
Lun 25 Gen 2010 18:18:53 CET

vi segnalo che la 6a call DECI (DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative) si 
chiude il 16 febbraio 2010.
I progetti DECI approvati potranno accedeer alle risorse HPC  a partire 
da Ottobre 2010.
Vi segnalo inoltre che CINECA fara' partire anche un  bando nazionale 
per l'allocazione delle proprie risorse computazionali HPC. Il Bando 
CINECA per la richiesta di risorse di supercalcolo uscira' entro Marzo 
2010 e i progetti approvati  potranno disporre delle risorse assegnate a 
partire da luglio 2010.
cordiali saluti,
 Giovanni Erbacci
 Settore HPC  CINECA
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6th Call for Proposals, 2010

The DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative (DECI) is a scheme through which
European computational scientists can apply for single-project access
to world-leading computational resources in the European HPC
infrastructure, operated by DEISA, for a period of up to 10 months.
DECI enables European researchers to obtain access to the most powerful
national computing resources in Europe, regardless of their country of
origin or work and to enhance DEISA's impact on European science and
technology at the highest level.

Through an open, competitive call, a number of capability computing
projects will be selected on the basis of innovation and scientific
excellence. These projects must deal with complex, demanding,
innovative simulations that would not be possible without the DEISA
infrastructure, and which would benefit from the exceptional resources
of the Consortium. The closing date of this call is February 16th, 2010
. Proposals selected under this call will be given access to the
infrastructure for applications enabling from 1 July 2010 and for
production runs from October 1st, 2010 to April 30th, 2011.

The official announcement of the call is found under
For an overview of DEISA and DECI, see the HPCWire article "DEISA Call
for HPC Proposals Is Now Open" from Dec. 4th, 2009. For a full view of
background information, including the Applications Task Force
(including a list of centers involved; note the contributions from
Garching also in terms of platforms), all running and completed
projects, benchamrking and other issues, start from

In addition to offering access to computing resources, DEISA offers
applications-enabling assistance from experts at the leading European
HPC centres to enable projects to be run on the most appropriate
platforms in the DEISA consortium. For advice and assistance on
proposal preparation and submission please contact deisa-support a

Projects supported by DECI will be chosen on the basis of innovation
potential, scientific excellence and relevance criteria. Priority will
be given to proposals that promote collaborative research, either at a
cross- national or cross-disciplinary level. Further, proposals from
researcher who have yet to benefit from DECI compute and applications
enabling resources may be given preference.

This information is also available on our web server


Giovanni Erbacci
CINECA Systems & Tecnologies Department
HPC Division

via Magnanelli 6/3, Casalecchio di Reno (BO) Italy            Phone: +39 051 6171475
g.erbacci a      Fax:   +39 051 6132198

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